Pop-Up Coffee Shop: Friday 14th April

Apr 9, 2017

Monday 10th April sees the start of UK Coffee Week, a period of fundraising in the coffee industry to raise funds for Project Waterfall. We’ll be doing our bit at Carvetii by running a pop-up coffee shop from our new Roastery on Friday 14th April.

A study1 in 2003 found that to produce a standard cup of coffee, 140 litres of water are needed, with by far the largest proportion linked to growing the coffee plant. It seems only fitting therefore that the charity supported by U.K. Coffee Week is aimed at providing clean drinking water for coffee growing communities. The charity currently works with communities in Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, and since 2011 has raised of £600,000.

Now here’s your chance to contribute to this year’s total. On Friday 14th April we’ll be operating a pop-up coffee shop from our Roastery in Threlkeld. We’ll have a range of coffees available (and teas), and 100% of proceeds from the event will go to Project Waterfall. As well as enjoying a delicious cup of our coffee, brewed by our own fair hands, you also get a chance to visit our new premises which aren’t often open to the public.  Our pop-up coffee shop will be open from 9am until 3pm.

There’s no need to book as we’ll be there all day waiting to serve you. We can also offer a takeaway coffee if you’re in a hurry or are on your way out for the day. With your help we can make a difference to the lives of others.

Our Roastery is located at the edge of the village of Threlkeld, just off the A66. We suggest you take the turning on the Penrith (east end) of the village, and then take the first right up a lane. You should spot Grapevine Wineservice on the right and we are based on the same site. The postcode is CA12 4SU.

  1. The water needed to have the Dutch drink coffee, Institute for Water Education, 2003 ↩